But, I managed to finish all the sample products for my Men's accessory line called, Dandy! :) I have a meeting with a popular Goth store on Queen Street West this Tuesday with the Owner and Buyer. My only concern is that I will desperately need to break my supply binge for the month of August because I need more black bird skulls. I need enough for more cuff links and necklaces. I also ran out of silver chains prematurely. I really under estimated just how much coverage I would need to cover two consignments and a craft show in September.
I'm actually going to be at the Creative Heart Collective Craft Show at The Gladstone Hotel September 18th. If you are in Toronto, please, feel free to drop by and chat! :)
I have also finished a new range of items which include hair slides and teeny brooches. It'll be posted in my next post! I promise. I will also begin updating my Etsy like mad in the coming days. I know I have been posting a lot of products but never listing. Sorry! I promise to get to it soon! I'll post my complete Men's Collection soon. :)
My mom made me a Toadstool hat one Christmas. I love it to death and it looks great with braids!
My new apartment is close to so many vintage stores. One notable one is, I Miss You which specializes in 1980's-1970's and under high end vintage. I found this gorgeous leather bag for a mere $25 and it fits my iPad 2! :D
Another vintage store I would recommend is called CTS which is a short form for Canadian Thrift Stores. Their tiered pricing system actually makes things more at a thrifty value then a market value. Many vintage stores in Toronto price their items based on trends and market value. CTS defies this - I got this skirt for $12.99. It's a dropped waist with pintucks, clung lace, ruffles, and cream cotton. It's absolutely perfect for Mori Girl.
So, has anyone made any recent VINTAGE purchases? If so, what? I'd love to see your stuff!
Blogged from my iPhone
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